My hamstrings have not been happy with me over the past five days. But no, I'm not seriously injured. =)
Confession time, I did not workout yesterday. Which means my rest day was now yesterday and not today. I also came to the realization that I have four days in a row where I will be going to events that are not going to be low-calorie friendly. I can make it a point to watch how much I eat, but I think I'm also going to need to put in some extra work-out time to make sure my weight doesn't start creeping back up after only one weekend.
The first thing I did when I started was cut back how much I ate. I actually did that for almost two weeks before I started working out again. The next change I will make is to what I eat. Not that I can never eat anything bad for me ever again, but right now I'm at the point where I'm not really eating that much healthy food, I'm eating mostly just less food. And I do eat healthy food some of the time, just not as often as I should. I need to reverse the trend and make healthy food my norm and the junk food the once-in-a-while, not the other way around.
Last night when I made dinner I did look up healthier options using what we already had at home. And I'm happy to report that even our 5 and 9-year-old ate their entire dinner. Here's what I made:
Skillet Salmon and Parmesan Potatoes
Grilled Parmesan and Pepper Asparagus (I had to cook it in the oven but it still turned out great!)
While starting out to lose weight, just eating less will work for a while. But if I really want to change my body, I'm going to have to make the switch to eating a healthier diet, not just one that is lower in calories. For me to do this and to stick with it; it's going to have to be a gradual change over time.
But that is a long-term goal. Today my goal is a cardio workout where I burn 400 calories. I'll let you know tomorrow how that works out for me. ;)
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