Sunday, March 27, 2011

Review of Another Jillian Michaels DVD

So, in a fit of motivation earlier this week I decided to check out a bunch of workout DVDs and "healthy" cookbooks from the library to try them out and let y'all know what I think (for those who are interested). So I hope to post every couple days to either review a workout DVD, or a recipe in one of these new cookbooks. The past few days I have not been doing well on the eating side of things, but I have worked out the last three days in a row. I ran on the treadmill the first day, rode my bike with the kids the second day, and tried Jillian Michaels "No More Trouble Zones" DVD that I checked out at the library yesterday. Today will be my review of that DVD.

The only thing you need to do this workout is a set of hand weights and a towel or mat. The kicker is, you need to use light hand weights. I started with 5 lb weights, didn't last 5 minutes into the workout before I switched to 3 lb weights. During the 3rd circuit, Jillian Michaels mentions that she's only using 3 lb weights because this is a high repetition, low weight workout. Now she tells me. :P

This workout follows the same format as her "Banish Fat Boost Metabolism" (BFBM) DVD. It starts with a 5 minute warm-up, then 42 minutes of strength training broken up into 7 circuits of 6 minutes each, and then a 5 minute stretch/cool down. You can also go into the menu and pick and select which circuits you want to do if you don't have time to do all of them, the same feature is in her "BFBM" workout DVD as well.

Like her BFBM DVD, this is not an easy workout to do the entire way through. There are some exercises that can be modified, but I would not recommend the entire thing the first time around for a true beginner. I would recommend either just doing two or three circuits to start and then add them on as you get better, or even doing two circuits one time, two another time, etc. It's also good to do it that way if you're short on time.

Something I really liked about this DVD, which is different from some of her other ones, is Jillian actually does most of the workout with you. In a lot of her other DVDs she's instructing how to do the moves properly while one of the other girls is demonstrating the workout. In this workout I think she did 4 or 5 out of 7 of the circuits in their entirety, and only stopped to instruct in 2 or 3 of them. Another bonus with a Jillian Michaels workout, while difficult, the moves aren't complicated like so many workout DVDs. The music isn't anything special, but that's not really important for me in a workout DVD; once I get the workout down, I prefer to listen to my own music anyways.

I have to try out a lot more DVDs before I make my decision, but right now I would definitely consider buying this DVD. If I didn't think I would get bored, I could easily see doing this DVD three times a week, and doing her BFBM DVD the other three days a week, and I would be surprised if that didn't produce really good results.

That's my review for today. I'm only going to post the link on Facebook on Sundays, but I hope to have a new post with another review by next Wednesday or Thursday. If anyone else has done this workout DVD and has any other comments that I forgot, please let me know! =)


  1. Do you have OnDemand? I've done several of the workouts on the free Health channel. Good for you on the fruits and veggies--I know I don't get enough of those. I have bad eating habits.

  2. Maybe? We have DirecTV, do you have to pay more for OnDemand? I did really well Thursday and Friday on my fruits and veggies, yesterday not so much. But there's always today, right? =)

  3. OnDemand came with Verizon, there are lots of free shows and then there are also things you can pay for. And yes, always today to start trying again. ;)
