Thursday, March 6, 2014

I Hate It When the "Experts" are Right...

I know we've seen a lot of dieting "fads" over the past several decades. It seems like each week there's a new fad everyone's into or trying. So anytime some "new" health information comes out, I always take it with a grain of salt since many things we used to "know" have since been proven to be incorrect (eggs are bad for you anyone?). I'm a firm believer in moderation in all things. I don't think it's necessary to have an entirely vegan diet to be healthy anymore than I believe it's necessary to cut out all carbs and go the Atkins route. The biggest problem I've noticed (usually when I leave the country) is a lot of our processed food has a lot of extra crap that we don't need in it.

For example, I have a huge sweet tooth, but I try to limit the amount of sweets I eat because I know they're not good for you. When I travel out of the country I notice I go through sugar withdrawal the first few days. I've realized it probably has more to do with the amount of processed sugar in our regular foods and less to do with the amount of "sweets" I normally eat.

I've had a few days over the last week where I really limited the amount of sugar I ate. I noticed at the end of these days I didn't crave dessert or sweets like I normally do. So sugar may not only be bad for us, but addictive too?!?!

Though again, I can't see cutting out something completely from my diet, I can see where monitoring the amount of sugar I eat could also lead me to crave it less, and then I'll eat it less, thus ending a vicious cycle.

Stupid experts.

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