Since I haven't been consistent about working out and eating right (I have been okay with doing one or the other) I'm at my 150-ish plateau. I'm pretty happy that is my plateau number because it's the same plateau level I hit 9 years ago when I started getting serious about losing weight after having our first child.
So I'm going to have to put some more effort to lose the rest of this weight. That's okay, I knew I needed to do it; it's just making myself do what I know I need to do.
I mentioned trying Green detox smoothies a few months ago. Smoothies that were more vegetable and less fruit and more... well, green. This is pretty much how I looked each time I tried one:
I figured there had to be some better kind of compromise. Something where I wouldn't be drinking a beverage with more sugar than a 20 oz soda, but something I still could stomach where it didn't feel like drinking it was a part of penance I was required to do. So here's what I did:
Added one extra cup of berries.
Seriously, that was it and it made the smoothie SO much better, and it was only an additional 60 calories or so. Today I mixed it up and instead of one whole apple and one cup of blackberries, I did half an apple, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1/2 cup raspberries, 1/2 cup blackberries. I also included my 1 cup kale, 1 cup spinach, 1 cup cucumber, 1/2 cup celery, lemon juice, ginger, ground flax seed, ground cinnamon and ice water. The smoothie came in around 270 calories, but it's a huge smoothie. It could easily be split into two servings if someone wanted to do that. It also counts as 2 - 2 1/2 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit so it's an easy way to get most of your daily fruits and veggies in (how much you need depends on your age, activity, calorie intake, etc.).
So I think I'm going to stick with my "compromise" green detox smoothies for the time being. Now I need to break through this plateau by being consistent with my eating and working out. :P
Besides, all those berries are huge in antioxidants, which I presume are better than prooxidants. LOL! Damn those oxidants. Sorry, the beach fried my brain today. So hard to do. I think it's great that you are hanging in, even if you take a couple of steps back. It's so easy to just give up. Kudos!