Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Lesson in Humility: Humility 101

I'm writing this immediately after my fit test on Friday. How do I feel? A bit like John Candy from this scene in "Splash":

Not only was it difficult physically; but I started feeling short of breath by the beginning of the second minute. Here's how the numbers broke down:

2. HIGH KNEES - 68
3. PUSH UPS - 10 "real" then 12 "girl"
5. TRICEP DIPS (did I mention I hate these more than burpees?) - 11
6. BURPEES - 9
8. ELBOW PLANK - 1 minute

Today I have a very short window of time to complete today's workout or it won't get done. To say I'm not looking forward to it is an understatement. Day 2 we're supposed to do eight exercises, then repeat the set two more times (for a total of three times).

Here are the exercises:

1. Speed Squats – 20 reps, then 20 sec rest
2. Elbow Plank – 30 sec hold, then 10 sec rest
3. Push ups – 20 reps, then 10 sec rest
4. Burpees – 10 reps, then 10 sec rest
5. Alternating Lunges – 20 reps (10 per side), then 10 sec rest
6. Elbow Plank – 30 sec hold, then 10 sec rest
7. Tricep Dips – 20 reps, then 10 sec rest
8. Squat Jumps – 20 reps, then 2 MINUTE REST

As you can see, it's the same exercises from Day's 1 test minus the high knees and with an additional elbow blank; but we're just assigned a specific number then rest time. So if it takes us two minutes to do a exercise, we take two minutes, then rest. Then we get to do the whole thing over again. Twice.

Even if I don't post until the next day I'm going to try to write how my work-outs went right after I complete them so I don't start thinking "it wasn't so bad" by the next morning and am not as honest about how difficult the workouts are for me.

Seriously, my abs are already hurting just from the "test" today. I hate to see how I feel tomorrow. It reminds me of the cadre's shirts during basic training: "The easiest day was yesterday."

Until tomorrow then.

1 comment:

  1. I'm having trouble with links right now; so here it is:
