The workout I was going to do yesterday required a step. Since I don't have a step I decided to look at workout DVD I have. I was originally thinking of doing Jillian Michaels's 30 Day Shred, then I saw the Banish Fat Boost Metabolism DVD I bought months ago, since it was a longer work out (50 minutes vs. 20) I decided to do that one instead. At the end of this post I will give a review of the video if anyone is considering buying it.
Long story short our evening plans changed, and instead of fondue dinner we had pizza (fondue will be tonight instead). I did okay not eating too much until later that night, late night snacking seems to be my biggest downfall.
Today it's going okay. Used a little extra creamer in my coffee to finish off the flavor I had. Not a good reason I know, but I justified to myself that it was okay to do this since I ate "weight loss" oatmeal for breakfast. =)
I'm still trying to figure out my workout plan for today. We'll be going to the last mass of the day and our family plans on decorating the Christmas tree before then. I also need to go to the store. Granted I could do these things after dinner and looking at Christmas lights tonight, but I know myself and all motivation will be out the door once we get home and put the kids to bed.
So my debate is should I do another workout DVD, or should I go back to my stand-by and run on the treadmill? I'm leaning towards the DVD; I have a cardio/kickboxing show I DVRd yesterday that I think I'll try today.
That's it for how my weekend's going. If anyone is thinking about buying a Jillian Michaels workout DVD, here is my review of her "Banish Fat Boost Metabolism" DVD:
The good points:
1) The main reason I bought this DVD is that it doesn't require any equipment. No weights, no steps, no bands, nothing except maybe a mat (but a towel works too if you have carpeted floors).
2) I like that it's a warm-up, cardio circuits, and a cool down. Any sculpting/ab work is part of the cardio circuits.
3) There are 7 cardio circuits and you can set the DVD up to pick and choose which ones you want to do if you're short on time and need to do a shorter workout.
4) The last and most important good thing about this video is this workout totally kicked my butt. I felt it last night and I'm still feeling it today.
Now for the negative:
1) The biggest negative point about the DVD is that some of the modifications for the exercises weren't obvious and she didn't show them or talk about them until they had already been doing an exercise for a while. Luckily I stuck it out and was able to finally see the modification, but I can see if someone hasn't worked out at all in a long time may get frustrated and stop the DVD before she has a chance to explain the modification.
2) The cool down/stretching part of the DVD could be longer. I would say that's true about most workouts, I can see they don't want people to hurt themselves trying to do stretches they can't do, and I know enough to stretch longer on my own afterwards. If I'm pressed for time I'm going to finish the DVD and not do anything extra on my own afterwards (which is my own fault, I know).
Overall I really liked the workout, I think I will try to do this one once a week; my only concern is if a beginner tries to do this workout. If you are a beginner, I would say don't get frustrated if you can only do 3 or 4 of the circuits to start with, you can always add on the rest the more you workout.
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